Tips to brew your tea to perfection

Tips to brew your tea to perfection

Now that we have learnt the basics techniques of brewing, here are some easy but important tips that will make a great deal of difference in your tea journey.

  • Water quality: Not all water is the same. Water may differ depending on the source, soil type and environment resulting in hints of chemicals and minerals. It's important to brew the tea in filtered water to maintain its natural flavors.
  • Right temperature: Temperature is a critical factor in creating the perfect tea. Green, oolong and white teas do well with slightly cooler water while black tea can tolerate boiling temperatures. The best trick is to let the boiling water sit for 5 mins for perfect temperature before adding your tea leaves.
  • Time is the key: Keeping a close watch on the time for steeping is the key to achieving a great taste. Steeping for too long releases bitter and astringent flavors into the tea, while cutting short the steeping time may undermine the flavors.
  • Preheating: Preheating the tea containers with hot water helps maintain the temperature for steeping.

Tea brewing is truly an art, and we encourage experimentation. Goodricke brings you the most celebrated tea collection from our own exclusive tea gardens. Whether you're a tea rookie or an expert, this precise guide will help you discover your own favorite type.

Now that you know everything there is to make your own perfect cup of tea, let's raise our teacups to this delightful journey of tea tasting. Happy sipping.