Oolong Tea - The Art of Balance

Oolong Tea - The Art of Balance

Best of both worlds is what makes the Oolong tea awesome. It dances in between the strong black and astringent green tea, offering a delicate balance of flavors. Floral notes with smooth finish, this one is meant to soothe your nerves and uplift your day. Tea leaves are partially oxidized, dried and rolled after harvesting to give us oolong brews.

Brewing oolong tea is like creating a work of art. You don't want to over brew it resulting in a strong astringent taste or even under do it undermining the flavors. The following recipe is a must try to bring out the best flavors from your tea:

  • Preheat your teapot: Similar to green tea, preheat your teapot or cup with hot water and then discard it.
  • Find the sweet spot: Water temperature for oolong tea should be around 185°F (85°C) - not too hot, not too cool.
  • Time it right: Steep oolong tea for 3-5 minutes, allowing its subtle flavors to express itself fully.
  • Sip, enjoy and repeat: Oolong tea is truly experienced while sipping mindfully. So, take your time and relax to enjoy its complexity.